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29 juliol 2020 |
Altered glycosylation in pancreatic cancer: development of new tumor markers and therapeutic strategies |
Guerrero Barrado, Pedro Enrique
7 febrer 2025 |
Analysis of microbiota patterns linked to pancreatic cancer and their role in host inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune status |
Vilà -Quintana, Laura
19 març 2004 |
Glicosilació aberrant en proteïnes de secreció com a marcadors tumorals |
Tabarés Carreras, Glòria
Glicosilació aberrant en proteïnes de secreció com a marcadors tumorals |
Tabarés Carreras, Glòria
10 febrer 2011 |
Glycan alterations of serum proteins as tumour markers. Prostate-specific antigen in prostate cancer and acute-phase proteins in pancreatic cancer |
Sarrats Carbó, Ariadna
Glycan alterations of serum proteins as tumour markers. Prostate-specific antigen in prostate cancer and acute-phase proteins in pancreatic cancer |
Sarrats Carbó, Ariadna
13 gener 2023 |
Inhibition of sialyltransferases in pancreatic cancer: effects on the EGFR pathway and on the tumour phenotype |
Miró Domènech, Laura
14 novembre 2023 |
New tumour markers for pancreatic cancer based on the altered glycosylation of serum glycoproteins |
Duran Sidera, AdriÃ
7 juliol 2016 |
Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins |
Balmaña, Meritxell
Pancreatic cancer markers based on aberrant glycosylation of serum proteins |
Balmaña, Meritxell